• Minimally Invasive Total Hip Replacement

    Minimally Invasive Total Hip Replacement

    Minimally invasive total hip replacement is a surgical procedure performed through one or two small incisions rather than the single long incision of 10–12-inches as in the traditional approach.

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  • Hip Hemiarthroplasty

    Hip Hemiarthroplasty

    Hip hemiarthroplasty is a surgical technique employed to treat hip fractures. In this procedure, only one half (ball section) of the hip joint is substituted by a metal prosthesis.

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  • Hip Fracture Surgery

    Hip Fracture Surgery

    Surgical correction of a hip fracture is known as hip fracture surgery.

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  • Hip Trauma Reconstruction

    Hip Trauma Reconstruction

    Hip trauma is an injury in the hip due to the impact caused by incidents such as a car accident or a hard fall. The injury can be a bone break or dislocation or both.

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  • Ultrasound Guided Hip Injections

    Ultrasound Guided Hip Injections

    An ultrasound scan is an imaging procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce pictures of the inside of the body. Ultrasound-guided hip joint injections are used to diagnose the underlying cause and relieve hip pain.

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  • Physical Therapy for Hip

    Physical Therapy for Hip

    Physical therapy is an exercise program that helps you to improve movement, relieve pain, encourage blood flow for faster healing, and restore your physical function and fitness level. The main aim of physical therapy is to make your daily activities, such as walking, getting in and out of bed and climbing stairs, easier.

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