Pediatric, adult patients had similar improvement after endoprosthetic reconstruction
Although pediatric patients undergoing endoprosthetic reconstruction for primary bone tumors had better functional outcomes than adults throughout treatment, results showed both groups had similar overall improvement at 1 year.
Tips To Avoid Swollen Feet And Ankles During Travel
Swollen feet and ankles can cause discomfort during long travel or long-haul flights. A static sitting position decreases your muscle activity and restricts blood flow.
Work with your hands? Watch out for carpal tunnel syndrome
Working with your hands day after day can take a toll on them, causing pain, numbness and weakness. Carpal tunnel syndrome is one condition that farmers, truck drivers, factory and construction workers, and others can experience.
What Is Metatarsalgia?
Metatarsalgia refers to pain and tenderness in the ball of the foot. This pain can be caused by anything that puts excessive pressure on that part of your foot, such as too-tight shoes or intense exercise, as well as various health conditions.
Active older adults with distal radius fractures may benefit from surgical treatment
Sustaining a [distal radius fracture] may impose severe restrictions on lifestyle for those who are active despite their chronological age. These individuals can benefit from surgical treatment, which enables earlier return to daily function